To start 1-1 training, send a message on WhatsApp +44 7871 349 600 or call – WhatsApp Zbyszek ”Dzievan”

Who is recommended 1-1 Training for

  • Choose VIA personal training if you need it for yourself or if you want to help someone in your family.
  • Achieve your desired VIA Goal under full supervision, taking care of every detail during your progress.
  • This way is highly recommended for people who value peace, and quiet and who like and need full attention.
  • This is also highly recommended for people with special health requirements who can’t practice in a group.

Session 1-1 requires the first appointment to make a personal profile and diagnosis of strength and efficiency – it takes 1,5 – 2h.

Price £85

Every next training session takes 1h with frequency agreed to achieve the best result of the VIA Goal.

Price £55/h

This is how it works

You contact us via WhatsApp or
by e-mail:

  1. The first contact is free. The conversation on WhatsApp can be video or voice only if you feel better and lasts up to 15 minutes.
  1. If you decide to train, we arrange a first meeting and determine the frequency of training sessions and the exact days and hours they will take place. Choose your frequency plan from the list below:
    • Special need: 5/7 per week | 20 per month | 16/20 paid + 4 extra free |
    • Intense: 3/7 per week | 12 per month | 9/12 paid + 3 extra free |
    • I’m Good: 2/7 per week | 8 per month | 7/8 paid + 1 extra free |
    • Independent: 1/7 per week | 4 per month | 4/4 paid
    • Check me: 1or 2 per month | fully paid
  2. Training sessions take place on the Zoom platform or on WhatsApp

You will need a good internet connection and a laptop/PC with a camera or a smartphone.

  1. An invoice for training sessions is issued at the end of each month with a payment deadline of up to 14 days.

Payment can be made in GBP to an English account:

For UK transfer:

Name on the account: Zbigniew Dziewanowski
Sort code: 30-96-03
Account number: 25129860 

If you transfer money from outside of the UK:

Name on the account: Zbigniew Dziewanowski
IBAN: GB35LOYD30960325129860